“Don't open a can of worms if you don't want to mess things up,“ they said. But what if I tell you that I don't even have the can-opener to do so?
Sadly, when it comes to the one I like I couldn't even spare a single word to tell her how much she mean to me.
Regardless of the timing or circumstances, I just couldn't say it courageously. It feels like I always have to do something to avoid saying those words. It seems like I won't even get a chance until the march of time cease to move.
Oh I like her. I want to tell her that. I want her to know exactly how or when she started to matter to me.
I would love to see the smile in her face knowing that there's someone out there who will save a seat for her in every table.
I would love her to realize that there's someone out there who's craving for her whole existence.
I wish she knew about all of that by now. But I'm afraid. I was too sacred to be traumatized again by the things that happened in the past. But still, I like her—that's the nicest thing I know so far.
I just couldn't say it but I am willing to sacrifice everything for her. I want her to know how much I'd love to hear about her stories.
I want her to know that she's the very first person I look for when I'm in the midst of a thousand people.
I want her to know that she’s the main reason why I’m writing this ridiculous article even when I shouldn’t have to. What a shame! (kidding aside).
Well, despite everything. It's just that, I do really like her and she's so important to me.
And these—all that you just read—are the words that I wish I could say to her.