i’m sorry, my heart can’t unlove you.
But truth be told, you can never unlove someone. Feelings will always linger like a smell of a strong perfume. It will never fade but will just sink beneath your skin. Sometimes you will find a distraction (a good one). But sad to say, after a long hard day, you will smell it again and again and cycle goes on and on. It's always there no matter how hard you try to get rid of it.
Which made me think: If there's only a miracle move-on-drug to stop this love, I'd be an overdose drunkard already. Regrettably, there was none; and, I can't unlearn all the things that made me fell for you. You are something that keeps hunting me in a most horrifyingly beautiful way. I don't know but you just do—all the sicking time.
I was always yours but you were never mine. And it freaks me out; even keeps me digging my own grave. Such a shame, wanting you was supposed to be enough. It should have been enough. But my heart keeps persisting; dancing with the same songs you play. I don’t know. All I know was I like you despite everything, until now.
How I wish there's a time in the future where my heart is no longer intertwined with all the things that make you, you. I hope it can unlearn the different steps to different dances that you have taught. May there be a time where I can reprogram the codes that draw a smile whenever I see you or think of you.
All I want was to be liberated, freed, and unshackled from the misbeliefs that someday you will like me too. And in the most delusional way, you will love me too, which will never happen. So for now I’m sorry, my heart can’t unlove you. But I promise, I will always try (until it finally fades).