if we met again and started over; what would you do differently?

would you choose me?

2 min readJun 21, 2024

I keep asking this question to myself. I don't know, I'm not even sure if something went wrong between us. The book of our story seemed written in an erasable ink and maybe we accidentally erased it.

It's still uncertain, whether I did something or there were some things that we failed to work out.

I don’t know if I lost a friend, a future lover, or both. Because these two are what you are to me. Unfortunately lines are getting blurry between us. Mornings are no longer elated with chirping birds; afternoons are starting to get cloudy for us to see sunsets, and midnights—are now filled with breakdowns and relapse.

Maybe we're already lost in translation. I think we're gradually forgetting the secret language that we used to speak.

But no matter what, I hope you're doing okay. I hope you're good with whatever makes you busy these days. Because that's the only thing that I could always hoped for.

Some time in the future, maybe we'll see each other again. I hope when that happens I will still see the undying joy in your smiles. And if that really happens...

I'd probably ask:

“if we met again and started over; what would you do differently?

…would you finally choose me?




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