I may be nonchalant as for the record but that doesn’t mean I don’t think about you. You may see me as someone who just doesn’t care about anything; who doesn’t give much attention. When the truth is—I actually do. I care about you all the time.
For the meantime, I let the march of time move forward relentlessly, fearing that maybe at some point all my efforts will just go to waste. I like you, so sicking much. But I'm also afraid of the contingencies that maybe it was never me all along. Maybe it's just my delusional thoughts that keep fueling my desire to be liked back by you.
I don't want to be harsh to myself thinking that I don't have or I will never have an ounce of hope from you. Because I truly want to. As much I love, I want to be loved back. Sadly, there's a haze between our invisible strings right now, and I couldn't see any signs from you.
May the odds be in our favor and may the circumstances on our ends come to meet without discrepancy. In simple terms, I hope there’s a little chance for the two of us. Regardless of time, may there be a secured space in your heart reserved for me.
I like you. I truly do. I may be playing it cool for now, but I hope someday I'll be a little braver too for you, for this love...
So that I won’t have to let you go...without admitting that I liked you. So much, so well.